Frequently asked questions

How often should you visit the dentist? How long should the brushing last? How a decayed tooth can be saved? We answer the most frequently asked questions.
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Do you have to brush your teeth after every meal?

It is not recommended to brush your teeth immediately after meals. Especially if you have eaten foods with a high acid content, such as citrus fruits or sweets. Due to these, the mineral content of the hard tissue dissolves, and the tooth surface becomes "soft".

Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after each meal and wait at least 15-20 minutes after main meals before brushing your teeth.

How long should brushing last?

A healthy oral cavity usually takes 2-3 minutes to clean thoroughly, but this is only a piece of general advice. As a guide, it can be useful, but you should make sure that you clean each surface of your teeth properly. It is often said, but it never hurts to repeat: time is only one of the factors to keep in mind when brushing - technique and frequency are equally as important.

What should I look out for when choosing toothpaste?

All of the products on the shelves are good for cleaning teeth (none of them contain harmful substances), but there are some things to consider when choosing which toothpaste to buy. The most important question to consider is: what is the problem to be solved?

To prevent tooth decay or to stop the initial decay, fluoride-containing products can provide a solution. In the case of gingivitis or bleeding gums, toothpaste containing herbs and mineral salts can help to relieve symptoms. Whitening toothpaste is not a miracle, however, it can remove or prevent discolouration.

It is important to emphasise that if you have a toothache or bleeding gums, you should see a professional as soon as possible, as there may be more serious problems behind what may seem like everyday complain. These should be investigated promptly!

Is an electric or traditional toothbrush a better choice?

The most important things to consider when you’re brushing your teeth are frequency and time, rather than the type of toothbrush. An electric toothbrush can help you achieve the desired result more easily, but you can also use a traditional toothbrush to keep your teeth healthy. Efficiency always depends on the right technique!

If I have no complaints, how often should I visit the dentist?

Once every six months - regardless of whether you have any complaints or if you have developed any aesthetically disturbing lesions - we recommend that you visit your dentist. Remember: it is always easier to prevent a problem than to treat it! A preventive approach can prevent serious issues from developing.

What causes tooth decay and how can I prevent it?

Tooth decays, caries lead to permanent deterioration of the tooth structure. Food and drink play a major role in its development, as they contribute to plaque formation (bacteria build up on the tooth surface), which ultimately leads to the dissolution of minerals from the tooth enamel and the onset of decay.

By having a dental check-up every six months, removing plaque, brushing regularly and correctly, using fluoride toothpaste, and avoiding sugary foods, you can most likely prevent tooth decay!

Why and how often should you have your tartar removed?

During tartar formation, saliva and plaque mix, calcify, and deposit on the teeth. The layer that forms - which is full of bacteria - can no longer be removed by brushing, but only with special tools in dental practices.

As tartar build-up cannot be completely avoided even with an ideal oral hygiene routine, it is advisable to visit a dentist every six months not only for a routine check-up but also to have the tartar removed (there is no need to fear pain, as tartar removal can nowadays be done with ultrasonic equipment and without any discomfort).

What can cause bad breath? What can be done about it?

There are several possible causes of bad breath. Bacterial overgrowth in the mouth, follicles on the tonsils, gas regurgitated from stomach upset, smoking or eating strong smelling foods such as onions or fish can all lead to bad breath.

Regular brushing, flossing, mouthwash and fluoride toothpaste can reduce the chances of bad breath. If bad breath persists even with regular oral care, it is worth having a general check-up, as it may be caused by diabetes, chronic bronchitis, kidney or liver problems

What is the difference between in-office and at-home whitening?

Whichever whitening procedure promises to be cheap, quick, and can be done at home is the one to treat with reservations! It's also important to note that improperly performed whitening can damage tooth enamel, and "treating" decayed teeth can lead to serious problems.

The safest, quickest, and most effective way to whiten your teeth is to have them treated by a professional.

What problems can cause toothache?

In addition to tooth decay and tooth sensitivity, a toothache can also be caused by gingivitis or periodontal diseases. Regardless of the complaint, you should visit your dentist once every six months or at least once a year, and if you experience pain, you should see a specialist as soon as possible.

How long can a decayed tooth be saved?

Thanks to the modern technology available today, most teeth can be saved and extraction is only our last only option. Exactly what is needed for a particular tooth can only be decided after a thorough examination (there are advanced cases where removal and filling of decay or root canal treatment is no longer a solution, so other options should be considered).

How can a missing tooth be replaced?

A missing tooth can be more than just an aesthetic problem. Improper chewing of food can lead to digestive problems, and long-term tooth loss can lead to bone decay or tooth displacement.

Fortunately, aesthetic and lifelike replacements are now available to replace missing or extracted teeth. If the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth also need treatment, dental bridges may be considered, and if the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth are intact, implants may be recommended.

Get in touch with us!

In case of an acute problem, contact us by phone or book an appointment online so that we can prepare a personalised treatment and cost plan for you after the assessment!
In case of an acute problem, contact us by phone or book an appointment online so that we can prepare a personalised treatment and cost plan for you after the assessment!
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