All-on-4TM Implants

With the All-on-4TM technique, we can offer a long-term, safe, permanent solution and a natural-looking smile to our clients who come to our practice with a complete loss of teeth.
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Modern solution for complete tooth loss


The All-on-4TM technique was patented by Nobel Biocare. This company is synonymous with premium quality in dentistry and has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people with complete tooth loss in recent years.

The uniqueness of the procedure is that it requires only four implants to be fixed, reducing not only the time of treatment but also the cost of treatment. Till the final prosthesis being made, we provide a fixed, temporary prosthesis within 24 hours, avoiding any inconvenience associated with removable versions.

Benefits of Nobel Biocare All-on-4TM  Implants

Wearing these implants gives a natural feel and look.
The uncovered palate does not inhibit the sense of taste.
Only four implants are required for the placement.
Thanks to the stable bite force, any food can be eaten with these.
The four-point, stable fixation ensures a wobble-free use.
The procedure can be performed even with less bone density.
Nobel Biocare implants come with a lifetime guarantee*.
*The lifetime guarantee is only possible if you strictly follow our oral care principles after treatment and visit us regularly for check-ups.

All-on-4TM Implants in 4 steps

At the very first meeting, we will discuss your needs, carry out a comprehensive assessment, set up a treatment plan, and answer any questions you may have.
The surgical procedure is painless and performed under local anaesthesia. After the implants are placed, an impression is taken and the temporary denture is made.
Thanks to modern surgical techniques, the wound takes a few days to heal. The ossification process under the surface takes 3-6 months and goes unnoticed.
At the end of the ossification process - after a detailed assessment - the final denture is fixed with a screw-retained solution, which can be removed at any time by a specialist for cleaning or during a check-up. In this way, we can ensure a long life for the prosthesis.

Frequently asked questions

When can I get my smile back?

The day after your consultation, you can say goodbye to your removable dentures and leave the office with a fixed one.

How long will the recovery take?

After the procedure, 2-3 days of rest may be needed, but many patients are back at work the day after the implantation.

Mikor kaphatom vissza a mosolyom?

A konzultációt követő napon elbúcsúzhat kivehető műfogsorától, és fixen rögzített fogpótlással távozhat a rendelőből.

Mennyi ideig tart a felépülés?

A beavatkozást követően 2–3 napos pihenésre lehet szükség, de sok páciens már az implantálást követő napon munkába áll.

Will the result be natural?

We'll help you choose the shade and shape that best suits you, so the end result will be indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Can both lower and upper teeth be restored?

The All-on-4TM technique allows the replacement of the entire upper and lower teeth.

Do you need bone grafting before surgery?

Thanks to the special angle at which the implants are inserted, in most cases the treatment can be carried out without bone grafting.

Is there a chance that the procedure will be unsuccessful?

The success rate is remarkable: based on a 10-year follow-up study, the success rate of All-on-4TM prostheses is 93.8%.*

*Malo P, de Araujo Nobre M, Lopes A, Moss SM, Molina GJ. A longitudinal study of the survival of All-on-4 implants in the mandible with up to 10 years of follow up. J Am Dent Assoc 2011; 142(3);

A kezeléseket kivétel nélkül el tudjuk végezni, mindent egy helyen!

Get in touch with us!

In case of an acute problem, contact us by phone or book an appointment online so that we can prepare a personalised treatment and cost plan for you after the assessment!
In case of an acute problem, contact us by phone or book an appointment online so that we can prepare a personalised treatment and cost plan for you after the assessment!
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